DRE Development Environment

The Dogebox exclusively runs on NixOS as its linux-base.

Install NixOS in a VM

There are multiple ways of accomplishing this. The easiest way by far is to use Orbstack which supports NixOS VMs natively, and provides useful filesystem and host-network sharing.

The rest of this guide will assume you are using Orbstack, or a VM solution that lets you bind to your hosts network interfaces.

Clone required repositories

There are 3 repositories that provide the foundational building blocks for Dogebox. Please git clone all of these.

  • Dogeboxd - https://github.com/dogeorg/dogeboxd.git
  • DPanel - https://github.com/dogeorg/dpanel.git
  • DKM - https://github.com/dogeorg/dkm.git

Please note: dogeboxd & dpanel must be cloned into the same parent directory. You can clone DKM anywhere.

Configure your Nix environment

As we're running a development environment, some things must be configured manually.

Import dogebox.nix

Edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix. Towards the top of the file there should be an imports section.

Please modify it to conditionally include the dogebox.nix file that will live in $HOME/data/nix/dogebox.nix

For example, if your existing imports block looks like:

  imports =

Please change it to:

  imports =
    ] ++ lib.optionals (builtins.pathExists "/home/$USER/data/nix/dogebox.nix") [

Where $USER is the user you have inside your NixOS VM.

Add required packages

Edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix. Inside the main { ... } block, please add:

environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.git pkgs.vim ];

nb. Vim is not required, but lots of people get annoying that it is not available :)

Add required security wrappers

Edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix. Inside the main { ... } block, please add:

security.wrappers.dbx = {
  source = "/home/$USER/dogeboxd/build/dbx";
  owner = "$USER";
  group = "users";

security.wrappers.dogeboxd = {
  source = "/home/$USER/dogeboxd/build/dogeboxd";
  capabilities = "cap_net_bind_service=+ep";
  owner = "$USER";
  group = "users";

security.wrappers._dbxroot = {
  source = "/home/$USER/dogeboxd/build/_dbxroot";
  owner = "root";
  group = "root";
  setuid = true;

Please note: Please fix these paths, they assume you have cloned dogeboxd into the users home directory. If you cloned them elsewhere, update the paths. Please note: There are multiple instances of $USER that need replacing, please update all of them.


Once you've added the above, you can rebuild your VM to ensure it's in a proper state to execute everything.

Please run: sudo nixos-rebuild switch. Assuming this succeeds, you're ready to rock and roll.

Starting Services

You need to be running dogeboxd and dkm at the same time to have things working. dpanel is served via dogeboxd automatically, assuming they've been cloned into the same parent directory.

Both services contain a shell.nix which provides all the necessary dependencies for executing the service.

Both services also contain a Makefile that provides a dev command that run things in a "default" development mode.

Starting dogeboxd
cd dogeboxd
make dev
Starting dkm
cd dkm
make dev

dogeboxd should now be listening on and should be ready in setup mode.

After initial setup has completed, you will need to re-run make dev for dogeboxd to launch it again in normal-mode. Please see below for more details.

Things to note

  • In development mode, any time the service would trigger a shutdown or restart, the dogeboxd process will exit instead.
  • In development mode your dogeboxd/dpanel sessions will persist across service restarts. This will not happen in non-development mode.
  • You can run make recovery to force dogeboxd into recovery mode.
  • All data for both dogeboxd and DKM is written to ~/data. Deleting this directory will reset your state.