UTM can only be used on Apple Silicon Macs (M1, M2, M3 models). If you have a different machine, please see the compatibility table in Virtual Machines


Visit the Dogebox releases page, and downloaded the latest asset ISO image for the aarch64 architecture.


Create new Machine

Select Virtualise

Select "Other" operating system

Select the downloaded aarch64 ISO file

Set the amount of ram you want

The default of 4096mb is typically fine.

Set the amount of storage you want

UTM uses sparse disk files, so a 500GB disk will not actually take up 500GB on your hard drive.

If you wish to sync the blockchain in this VM image, ensure you set this to over 300GB.

Skip any shared directory configuration

Name your VM image and open settings

Configure Bridged networking

  • Select Network on the lefthand side.
  • Change Network Mode to Bridged (Advanced)

Save & Launch


Please see Initial Setup